Keep horse vital signs with you

Keep horse vital signs with you

Knowing when to call the vet often depends on knowing horse vital signs, but in an emergency, remembering normal signs can be brutal. One solution is to add normal horse vital signs to your phone contacts where you can quickly find them. Click on the sample image...

Horse First Aid – The Basics (video links and a book)

Horse First Aid – The Basics (video links and a book)

Dr. Kellon's Guide to First Aid for Horses, available at Amazon. The question came up recently, would I teach a horse first aid class? Not being qualified to do this, I declined. But here are some videos from experts that show you handy procedures, so you can be ready...

Happy 4th from a couple of ‘characters’!

Happy 4th from a couple of ‘characters’!

Happy 4th of July from the inspirations for "Tank" and "The Egg" in Crash Test Cowboy! Psst … soon to be on Audible! If you see us around town, click on the QR code. Thanks for your support!

Prom night at PRS!

Prom night at PRS!

We've had a lot of special-occasion photo-shoots at PRS, and this one comes particularly to mind, but tonight was our first prom night... The Ward herd, background above and below, wondered what, exactly, just happened. Mary Ward did all the...

Save a life – know the horse digestive tract, free certificate

Save a life – know the horse digestive tract, free certificate

Knowing your horse’s digestion could help save its life. This quiz is good practice for horse lovers, 4H’ers, and others who may need to test out on the subject. Earn a free, printable certificate if you correctly answer 12 or more questions! For hourly horsemanship programs, time spent on your quiz is also included in […]

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When life gives you manure..

When life gives you manure..

..make compost! Thanks to Moo Betta, LLC, and owner Aaron Larson for helping with our manure management program. Besides shelter, food and daily care, manure management is at the top of good stable practices. As part of our program, we pay Moo Betta to regularly...