Mustang with a surprise package

Mustang with a surprise package We had figured out that Demeter, the new Mustang mare was expecting. She surprised us all by bringing her new baby, Persephone, into the world about an hour ago! All the mares I've known have delivered at night. Interested in adopting a...

Beautiful little things

Beautiful little things

Neither rain nor sleet nor snow (nor coronavirus) will keep the daffodils away. In the barn the other day, Rene Suazo noted that even in turmoil there is always some beautiful little thing. You just have to look for it.

Thank you, Wild Rose Mustang Advocacy Group!

Thank you, Wild Rose Mustang Advocacy Group!

We were so touched last night when we received a 2019 Wildly Committed Award at the 2nd Annual Denim and Diamonds gala. The festivities took place at the Fort Collins Country Club and benefited the Wild Rose Mustang Advocacy Group. This group of crazy, dedicated...

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

1910 Christmas postcard mailed out of Denver, Colorado Everybody here at Poudre River Stables wishes you and yours all the best! Thanks to Mary Ward for this great slide show of 2019's memorable moments featuring the PRS and Cayla Stone Training gang!...

A great year for flowers!

A great year for flowers!

Flowers at Poudre River Stables, Summer 2019 Fall is about to kill off the flowers here with freezing temperatures, so we collected their photos for posterity. Once we replanted due to a late spring freeze, the blooms were amazing! [gallery_bank type="images"...

Progress report: Stardust has all her gaits

Progress report: Stardust has all her gaits Progress report: Stardust now has all of her gaits! Great advances since she arrived in April 2017, not very happy about interacting with humans (below). Sandy is the one trying to get in the way of the camera. The little black bonnets are...