Daylight Savings Time brought one of the worst storms in history. Wet, slushy snow just kept coming for two days. Everybody stayed in their overnight accommodations until Monday. By then, the horses were ready to climb the walls. Hobbes (Sixes Daredevil), foreground,...
On the Farm
Mustangs know how to have fun
Andi and Bravo master the pedestal. From wild horse to master of the pedestal, Bravo is yet another example of the versatility we see in the Mustangs that make PRS their home. Kudos to Bravo's owner, Andi, who has taken clicker training to new levels!
Stay out of the red: Free horse safety zones poster
Hey there! We’ve noticed that not staying in safety zones is one of the most common mistakes people make around horses and it can lead to serious injury. Print this free 7 x 11 poster for your barn reminding people to “stay out of the red”. Click here for the printer-friendly .pdf. Try Mane-U’s Horse […]
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Barn pajama party
Blanketing horses for a snowy day is like suiting up a bunch of 1,200-pound kindergarteners ...
Beautiful day in the neighborhood
Cayla Stone's lesson group tries a jumping exercise that required lots of transitions and tight turns. Yours truly on Sandy, my older palomino Morgan mare, aka: Poudre River Stable's Chief Executive Mental Health Professional. You couldn't ask for a more beautiful day...
Now that Thanksgiving is over …
... the turkeys came out of hiding. This crew gobbled cries of grief when I told them another horse had already reserved these accommodations. (Welcome, Persephone!) I think I count 14!
Short but sweet harvest
I ran around the garden this weekend, harvesting whatever I could before today's snow hit. Fun items this year included the green, curly squashes in the middle, Zucchino Rampicante (they spread everywhere), Brad’s (psychedelic) Cherry Tomatoes, Connecticut Field...
July 4 surprise!
Sugar the Pony was busy last night! Theoretically, she was due in August.