On the Farm

Hay season cometh

Hay season cometh

You get a real sense of the power of nature when the rains pour and suddenly, the grass gets tall enough to cut and bale hay. Positive thoughts that the next few days bring dry weather, please.

Overnight, they turned into teenagers!

Overnight, they turned into teenagers!

Our baby geese now look like they could almost fly. Our pair of geese hatched out six youngsters earlier this spring, and have done a great job nurturing and protecting their offspring. The "kids" are almost big enough to fly. In other wildlife news, yesterday we...

A brisk ‘little’ walk at Archer Equestrian Park

A brisk ‘little’ walk at Archer Equestrian Park

The gang enjoyed walking the Archer Equestrian Park, Wyoming, cross-country course at today's schooling show. Who knew cross-country courses were so large and well, invigorating? Great facilities, still under construction, a gigantic sky, crisp weather, and plenty of...

Look before you leap?

Look before you leap?

Peyton did his homework, the water, today. However, after much hesitation and squirming on shore, he decided to get everything over with quickly, and jumped into the middle of the pond. Luckily, he is tall.