Something really good happened this weekend. Our forever home found a new friend when we arrived with Stardust. She is age 12, a rescued Morgan, we think never trained to saddle. After a nine-hour trailer haul, we gave Stardust the day to settle in and rest in the roundpen where we offloaded her last night at dusk. Stardust looks rough right now because she doesn’t like being caught, and needs brushing. However, Cindy, one of our clients, discovered Stardust really likes Gala apple wedges and will pick them up off of the ground. By mid-afternoon, Stardust would walk up to us in exchange for an apple bite. We plan to move Stardust to her real two-week quarantine spot once she accepts catching and haltering. After she develops a little more trust, we’ll get Stardust’s teeth floated, which should help in the body score department. Check out her long stride and graceful walk in the video. I love the way she keeps track of me with her ears. Stay tuned as this little blonde and I embark on a journey of discovery. – Karin