Clients are welcome to bring in qualified instructors/trainers of their choice. A certificate of insurance naming Poudre River Stables/Karin Livingston as additional insureds, a signed release, and prior approval are required before lessons or training starts. For your safety, instructors/trainers with resumes demonstrating experience and/or rated by an association affiliated with the applicable discipline are encouraged.
Current approved instructors/trainers:
Jessica Dabkowski, Wild Idea Horsemanship
Marie Demeulenaere, Level 4 (highest rating) Certified Horsemanship Association, English (specializing in Dressage), Western. (Above link will take you to a form. Just input Marie’s name to get her contact information.)
All qualified instructors/trainers are welcome by client or stable owner invitation only, subject to above requirements and arena availability. Helmets required in all lessons along with best-practice safety standards.