..make compost! Thanks to Moo Betta, LLC, and owner Aaron Larson for helping with our manure management program. Besides shelter, food and daily care, manure management is at the top of good stable practices. As part of our program, we pay Moo Betta to regularly remove our raw “product” for use in a larger dairy composting operation. We also use a lot of our compost for gardening and to build soil quality. Repeat visitors enjoy using it on their own gardens. It grows good things!

Future goals include composting more, faster with plans purchased last fall for an O2Compost system, just before we got this friendly-reminder brochure from Larimer County, Colorado: https://prstables.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/larimer-county-manure-brochure-mailed-11-07-2022.pdf. Stable and livestock owners, be aware. Your local government is watching.